Thursday, 21 March 2013

winter training venues

Happy Birthday Eliza, 28 today!

Speedygeese training after Easter:
Saturdays commencing 6 April the YCRC winter races begin.
And every Saturday there are the two Parkrun options as well.

Sundays from 7 April speedygeese training continues at Stromlo Forest Park starting at 7:30am.
Note that 7 April is the first day without daylight saving.

Mondays from 8 April speedygeese training continues at Parliament House as at present.
4:30pm for the early run, and 5:30pm for the main training session.

Tuesdays from 9 April at Dickson Oval we start our new training program under lights.
At 4:00pm is an early longer run, with speedygeese training starting at 5:30pm.

Thursdays from 11 April is a new training session at the University of Canberra.
Meeting at 6:00pm we will "Run with the Bilbys".
We start beside the dirt carpark in Allawoona Street, and run to three ovals near there.

What are our fees? - no cost.
Choose the sessions that suit you, and just turn up.

Keep an eye on the "Coming Events" section on the right fora details and any changes.

Flying Home in the Weston Creek Half Marathon


