Saturday, 3 November 2012

New York off

After saying that the Marathon was going ahead, it has just been announced that it won't be. How very disappointing. What terrible timing.

Results from Thursday
- no results. The electronic timing failed. I think Kym and Yelena ran.

4x1500m - see yesterday's post

M50 Rod Lynch 11:04.46 76.9%
M50 Roger Pilkington 13:21.01 64.4
M60 Geoff Moore 13:18.67 71.0
W30 Kym Chisholm 12:33.52 66.6
W30 Yelena Pearson 14:41.00 56.9
W50 Helen Larmour 12:36.08 80.9

M40 Craig Davis 20:27.98 67.2%
M55 Ewen Thompson 22:17.48 67.4

Despite a shocking run in the 3000m, at least I improved from last week's 1500m age percentage of 70.5% to score a 71%. I had a long run this morning: 90 minutes, and even though it was only 14k, there was no heel pain this time. And my cold is improving. My weight may be dropping too; I reckon I lost a kilo of phlegm on the run. Now to see whether I can progress, or will it all worsen again?