Last week the Saturday run was 10km at just on 6's, today it was 20km at just under 6's. And Thursday's run was an age standard of 74%, an improvement of 2 percentage points over the previous week. I am quite happy about all of that.
Speedygeese track results from Thursday night.
M65 Garry Maher 9.14 88.0%
M65 Garry Maher 30.04 83.2%
W55 Maria O'Reilly 5:50.58 86.6%
M70 Tony Booth 7:05.12 71.3
W70 Caroline Campbell 7:16.93 84.9
3000 m
W60 Ruth Baussmann 17:53.42 64.7%
M40 Craig Davis 19:58.49 68.9%
M60 Geoff Moore 21:52.85 74.3
M50 Roger Pilkington 21:55.44 67.4
[W80 Norma Wallett 31:11.58 95.0]
M55 Ewen Thompson 31:14.16 48.1
One full lap around Central/West Basin is exactly 20.0k.
Measured this morning.