Saturday, 24 November 2012

ebullient sexagenarian

Last week the Saturday run was 10km at just on 6's, today it was 20km at just under 6's. And Thursday's run was an age standard of 74%, an improvement of 2 percentage points over the previous week. I am quite happy about all of that.

Speedygeese track results from Thursday night.

M65 Garry Maher 9.14 88.0%

M65 Garry Maher 30.04 83.2%

W55 Maria O'Reilly 5:50.58 86.6%
M70 Tony Booth 7:05.12 71.3
W70 Caroline Campbell 7:16.93 84.9

3000 m
W60 Ruth Baussmann 17:53.42 64.7%

M40 Craig Davis 19:58.49 68.9%
M60 Geoff Moore 21:52.85 74.3
M50 Roger Pilkington 21:55.44 67.4
[W80 Norma Wallett 31:11.58 95.0]
M55 Ewen Thompson 31:14.16 48.1

One full lap around Central/West Basin is exactly 20.0k.

Measured this morning.