What the eclipse of the sun looked like here in Canberra
Happy Birthday Garry Maher, 66 today.
Thursday results
M65 Garry Maher 14.6 82.6%
300m Hurdles
M65 Garry Maher 59.73 75.1%
Pennington 1500m
6 Rod Lynch M50 5:09 79.4%
8 Tony Booth M70 6:35 76.7
14 Roger Pilkington M50 6:32 63.1
M40 Craig Davis 11:42.85 68.3%
M50 Rod Lynch 11:02.47 77.2
M50 Roger Pilkington 13:25.79 64.0
M60 Geoff Moore 13:06.07 72.1
W30 Yelena Pearson 14:37.77 57.2
One Hour Run
M50 Roger Pilkington 11614m
M55 Ewen Thompson 12575m
W50 Helen Larmour 13488m
Congratulation to both Craig and Yelena on yet another 3000m PB.
My 72.1% is a slight improvement. The aim of course is to see it improve much further as the track season progresses.
See where I run
I needed a recovery run from Thursday night's 3000m so I did an unscheduled 6k after gym
I ran for 90 minutes again and managed 15k, which is an improvement. I am happy to be down to 6 minute ks, it felt not too bad.