Monday, 22 October 2012

I do like Mondays

Monday is my favourite day again! Monday was always my favourite day of the week, because that was Parliament House training day. It's good to have it back again.

Results from Thursday night:
M65 Garry Maher 14.59 82.7% Wind Reading +0.6
W30 Thea Zimpel 17.14 61.2 Wind Reading +0.0

M65 Garry Maher 30.47 81.4% Wind Reading +0.3

M50 Rod Lynch 2:33.80 76.9%
M70 Tony Booth 3:12.46 76.6

3000m (early)
M50 Rod Lynch 11:23.42 74.8%
M40 Craig Davis 11:51.75 67.4
W50 Helen Larmour 12:39.01 80.6
M70 Tony Booth 14:59.13 70.7
W30 Yelena Pearson 15:02.08 55.6

3000m (late)
M40 Andrew Simpson 10:54.10 71.7%

M55 Ewen Thompson 23:11.20 64.8%
W30 Thea Zimpel 26:26.32 54.5

Results from Sunday's Orroral Valley - Females
20k run 9 Kym Chisholm 1.45.02
20k run 17 Eliza Middleton 2.05.50
8k run 5 Jeni Greenland 43.28

Eliza at Orroral