Wednesday, 12 September 2012

whatever the weather

Breaking News: We will be moving Tuesday training to PARLIAMENT HOUSE from next week. There is to be no more training at Dickson oval this year. The oval will be closed for maintenance. Disadvantage - no more handicap sessions like the one described below. Advantage - we can train there whatever the weather. I plan to do an early run there too, just the 8k at 4:30pm I think, is anyone else interested?

Training last night at Dickson: we ran a set of laps in lane five, with a short break between each lap. The first was timed, the other six were handicap starts based on time.

Colin Susan Eliza Liz D YelenaMickNeil
#11:26 2:10 2:01 2:02 2:03 2:09 2:04
#21:24 2:02 2:01 2:01 2:00 2:03 2:01
#31:24 1:53 1:59 1:59 1:57 1:57 2:02
#41:26 1:56 2:01 1:59 1:59 1:59 2:02
#51:25 1:55 2:01 2:00 1:59 2:00 2:13
#61:27 2:03 2:03 1:55 2:04 2:07 2:15
#71:28 1:48 1:52 1:59 1:57 2:08 2:20

Marathon agony recalled

That was the day everything cramped up - rain for 21k, then cold wind for 21k. Which is why one trains whatever the weather.

But thank goodness winter has passed for another year. we can look forward to more warmth, more light. See you at training; it's Parliament House both Tuesdays and Thursdays now