Saturday, 22 September 2012

the muse

More than five years have passed since I waxed lyrical - whatever that really means - and "composed" three poems in anticipation of running in the 2007 Canberra Marathon. Seriously I have not been able to invoke the muse since. Writing poetry isn't on my bucket list, however I think I might attempt to reawaken that muse, shortly. There will be October advance posts. I can launch these intended poems the week I am away. Which means I can write them now and publish with October dates. Failing that, there are cats.

Here then is a repeat of my one and only previous attempt. Note that Snow Patrol not only had a song "Chasing Cars", but another on the same album "Eyes Open", titled "The Finish Line". My little in-joke. The other sources are "The 59th Street Bridge Song" by Paul Simon,  (a.k.a. "Feelin' Groovy") and a song about children releasing balloons which triggers a nuclear war which was inspired by Balloons Aloft conducting flights with big scary noisy balloons while the marathon is in progress. It's feet firmly planted on the ground for me! And the irony is I'm running 42k. Gosh, that's reading a lot into a few words! If the muse re-awakens, I shall leave similar thoughts unspoken for another five years.

May the muse be with you!

chasing lead cars:
I'll run it all
Every K
On my own

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would someone just pick me up
Take me to the finish line

The forty second kilometre song:
Slow down
Don't move too fast
You got to make this marathon last.
Kicking down the dusty roads
Looking for gel, and feelin' hungry

99 Luftballons:
Aloft in the April sky
99 balloons go by

Meanwhile at Ginninderra Parkrun #22 today there weren't quite 99 runners, but the record of 91 was equalled. A good turnout on a sunny morning. Speedygeese who ran were:
10 Andrew SIMPSON 19:55 New Parkrun PB!
14 Sarah MILLER 20:17 First Timer
17 Abigail FARGHER 20:43 First Timer
21 Joel PEARSON 21:01 New PB!
31 Lucia PIETROPAOLI 22:54 New PB!
59 Yelena PEARSON 26:47 New PB!
