Monday, 17 September 2012

google account for comments

How to comment on a post: I got bombarded with spam comments yesterday - they have been growing in the last few weeks but 100 in 5 minutes is a bit much - and as a result I am no longer allowing anonymous comments. And yes the spam attacks were stopped dead in their tracks when I changed my comment settings. It was lucky I was logged on at home at the time or I would have got millions. So to comment on posts now, you need to be logged in to your google account. If you don't have a google account, it is very quick and easy to create one. Useful, too. Just go to

The High Noon meet was on yesterday, not next week. There was a change of date and even though I posted a news item with the correct date, I didn't realise it had been changed. Pity, because I maintain the calendar on the ACTVAC website. Sorry about the confusion.

I will be at Parliament House training on Tuesday and Thursday this week but I cannot see myself doing the early (4:30pm) run either day as my heel is sore again.

Meanwhile, somewhere else,