Sunday, 5 August 2012

silver streak

Australian competitors are trying to win the silver medal count at the London Olympics. In the same vein, I have won silver in the streaking competition, being the second-last runner in our running group to terminate a running streak. I concede to Ewen, he has won the gold. Nevertheless, my 217 days is nothing to sneeze at. I am of course "disappointed". Now to start again in a few days when the pain in my heel goes away. Rio is only four years away.


One thing I might have to do, apart from stretching, icing, and voltarenning, as subscribed by the Physio, is to start some eccentric loading on my achilles. In that regard, here is a timely article by James Barker

Achilles Tendinopathy: Are heel drops for me?

"A common question in the clinical environment is 'when should I start heel drops (eccentric loading) for my Achilles?'" ...

...continued at

Neither does my inflamed heel.