Wednesday, 11 July 2012


Where I was last week: Hillsong at Allphones Arena, Olympic Park, Homebush. It was spectacular.

I go away for only one week and return to find out that Ruth is now famous!

Training attendees:
Tuesday 3/7
Dickson: Colin, Mick, Craig, Neil
Thursday 5/7 Parliament House: Susan, Bronwyn, Cookie, Liz (new), Andrew, Andy, Neil
Tuesday 10/7 Dickson: Susan, Geoff.

Training at Parliament House will revert to Mondays in October. If that suits you, please do plan to come, put it in your diary, and invite friends who are new to running! Here is our challenge - can we breathe even more life into our training by inviting as many new people as we can? I challenge you to be part of that.

Thank you Neil for "marking the roll" while I was away. I appreciate that, and I appreciate your commitment to the speedgeese as a whole.

More winter predicted

Regardless of any rain, hail, snow or sleet, TRAINING IS ON, Thursday at Parliament House, as usual.