Friday, 27 July 2012

because you're thinking all the time

Training at Parliament House last night: Cathy, Jen, Ewen & I ran early: then for the main training session Andy, Colin, Craig, Eliza (new), me, Jack, Joel, Liz, Susan & Yelena ran 5 x 600m with 300 recovery + 1 x 300m to finish off. The rain stayed away and the wind started to die down, but it looks as if chilly winter is going to last a little bit longer still.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my daughter Loani, 40 years old today! We will be visiting for the celebration. With minimums down the coast up to ten degrees warmer than here, a couple of early morning runs Friday and Saturday are scheduled.

And catching up with grandchildren.

When there's a doubt in your mind
Because you're thinking all the time
Framing rights into wrongs
Move along
Move along
When there's a doubt within your mind