We finally decided to cancel our Canberra Times subscription: everything is available on the internet including letters, crosswords and comics, despite the opinion of a writer in today's paper. There is no chance of me becoming illiterate from reading internet articles with their 21st century grammar and spelling; I am reading two or three chapters of a China MiƩville novel every day, which more than compensates; one learns new words and encounters new ideas on every page. Currently, I am starting into his newest epic, "Railsea"
Today remains so, so cold.
Stockyard Spur, Brindabellas
Gungahlin this morning
We have now farewelled Suzie who has left for Alice Springs, via Darwin for a week.
Song of the Week, from http://youtu.be/InTuAeGjr4M Eddie Cantor's If You Knew Suzie,