Speedygeese Results
17 May ABS 7.3k Fun Run
206 Neil Boden 38.07
578 finishers under 70 mins
18 May Customs 5k handicap
Kym Chisholm 22.27
20 May High Noon 800m
Joel Pearson 2:12.21
No I was not tempted to stop and do chin-ups at that point of the race.
Song of the week. "After Hours", by We Are Scientists. From http://youtu.be/6XXfqPRG4TQ
“Time Means Nothing”. A video clip with a happy ending, forsooth! Somewhat violent, but.
I have already entered the Melbourne Half Marathon in anticipation of organising a visit there in October. Time means everything! I said on the entry form I expect to run 1:29. Now I will have no excuse to slacken off in Canberra's winter. However much cold weather looms.
Back to 100k per week with no easing off until October. Back too to the gym twice a week. I should add that three times a week I have been doing 2 x pull-ups + 4 x chin-ups. In June this will increase. Slow and steady will win THIS race.