Friday, 11 May 2012

lean not on your own understanding

Clarke & Dawe, from

"someone's got something to do with cleaning products?"

Parkrun #3 is on tomorrow, Saturday. I will be there. Remember to register first at There will be a big turn-out I imagine. Hey, there are monkey bars near the start, this could be a chance to practice our chin-ups!

And on Sunday the Mothers Day Classic races are on. But I will be out at Stromlo Forest Park at 8:00am enjoying the soft grass.

Next Tuesday is our group dinner so Dickson training won't be on. There are 24 booked in for the dinner; I will send a confirming email to each of them shortly.

And what with birthday parties and many other commitments, I am in for a busy time. It is funny how each week seems unusually chaotic. I wonder if and when retirement actually allows things to wind down?

And here is a cat.