Wednesday, 28 March 2012

parliamentary square

This map of Monday night's training shows (a) the complete circle (square) of Parliament House that we do in our warm-up and cool-down, and (b) the many loops around the west-side oval we complete as we do our battle-camp circuit. The distance of the bigger circuit around Parliament House is 1.8k, and the distance around the oval's perimeter is 200m except that on Monday we were running around somewhat inside the perimeter.

Starting next Monday, 2 April, we finally return to doing some training on the hills around Parliament House. This will continue for five weeks.

And Thursday 5 April is the day we return to Dickson oval for training there under lights.

Nadine and Jen starting in the 8k Vets Handicap  at Stromlo Forest Park. Jen was first across the line at the finish.