Sunday, 25 March 2012

Best running venue ever

Why do geese honk when they are flying? Geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed.

Speedygeese results today:
Stromlo Forest Park 8k

1 Jennifer Bright W35 36:46 70.4%
5 Mick Charlton M60 43:55 64.9
13 Nadine Morrison W40 38:46 69.0
15 Christopher Lang M60 43:47 65.3
26 Ruth Baussmann W60 47:27 69.8
32 Andrew Matthews M50 36:43 71.3
42 Geoff Moore M60 35:05 82.1
47 Roger Pilkington M50 38:56 67.7
66 Rae Palmer W60 48:25 71.6
81 Caroline Campbell W65 52:07 73.7
89 finishers

Stromlo Forest Park 4k
31 Jill Pearson W50 22:32 66.4%
47 Tony Booth M70 24:09 66.3
47 finishers

A beautiful day and a fantastic venue. Best running venue ever.

Formal logic

Note that this implies you should NOT honk solely because I stopped for a pedestrian and you're behind me.