Saturday, 11 February 2012

who me?

Today it was just Laura C, Ann & me running from Acton Ferry Terminal at 7:00am; I ran 12k and the other two ran 13k, they are training for the Half Marathon in April and talking about doing a triathlon the first weekend in March (as in "I will if you will").

My easy 12k run on Friday followed an hour of intense cardio exercise in the gym, where I would have run 2k or so but will not and cannot count it. After that, the run to and from the gym in Charnwood went to the top of Spence and back, via the back of Fraser.

The altitude chard makes interesting reading; it should be symmetrical but has had a meltdown in the first 2k

This will end up being another 100k week, and so will next week provided I take it easy in the Sprint Marathon Relay tomorrow.

Who me?