Speedygeese at Vets Track 2 February
3000m (early)
W40 Amanda Walker 12:49.27 71.0%
W50 Kelley Flood 13:02.04 76.2
M50 Roger Pilkington 14:30.39 59.2
W30 Yelena Pearson 15:45.79 53.0
W60 Ruth Baussmann 15:53.76 71.7
M70 Tony Booth 17:02.68 61.2
W60 Margaret McSpadden 17:12.75 69.3
M60 Geoff Sims 63.83 84.4%
M50 Mick Horan 5:26.80 75.0%
M50 Roger Pilkington 5:39.93 72.8
M40 Craig Davis 5:43.81 65.7
W55 Maria O'Reilly 5:46.43 87.6
W45 Janene Kingston 6:06.80 72.6
M50 Gary Bowen 6:39.53 62.5
M70 Tony Booth 7:25.69 66.9
3000m (late)
W45 Katie Forestier 11:37.05 80.3%
M40 Craig Davis 12:37.07 62.9
W45 Janene Kingston 13:31.38 69.8
W55 Maria O'Reilly 14:36.14 73.7
M50 Mick Horan 14:36.39 58.3
M50 Robert Ey 20:52.15 70.2%
M50 Roger Pilkington 21:37.54 68.3
M50 Gary Bowen 24:37.32 60.5
Aranda handicap race
Training Sunday morning was a most enjoyable Stromlo session in cool, still and sunny conditions. Ewen & I enjoyed running on the grass, some of it bare foot and bare chest in my case, while Andrew, Abi & Lucia ran five by 1km intervals. The goal was around 4 minutes for each km interval: Andrew averaged just over 3:50, Abi around 3:55, not bad after completing her first 20k training run the day before, and Lucia skipped the third and averaged under 4 minutes too, her fastest being 3:50 and her slowest equaling her previous best at Stromlo of 4:01.