Wednesday, 18 January 2012

seven years

This blog is seven years old today!

Training group size
After we had 22 training at Parliament House this week, I was asked if that was the most we have had? No, here are the official records!

31 at North Lyneham on Tuesday 12th June 2003
30 at Parliament House on 20 September 2004
30 at Parliament House on 3 March 2008

I would like to see our training group grow in numbers. Not at the expense of other training groups. But I would love to see us exceed 100 participants each week. Can we accommodate 100? Yes, because the training can be adapted to suit most people who join us. We can break up into groups of speedsters, middle distancers, and long distancers. We can run relays to ease any congestion on the tracks. Where will the numbers come from? Mainly from new people. And who brings in new people? Mainly the newest members. Go for it!

Pre-workout-supplements. Don’t ever take these kind of supplements, and don’t get sucked in by articles like the one at which, even though it seems to be warning readers against taking dangerous supplements, actually tempts them to try some. And why not, someone may ask? The risks should be obvious. And, we are in this game for the long haul, not just to feel good tomorrow. Don’t be tempted!

Seven years of blogging. I shall keep going, I should get it right one day..

Run on!