Sunday, 8 January 2012

games we play

I don't know what games you play, or what games you might have been planning to play starting on 1 January this year. But the easiest game in town is running; you just step out of the door and do it. It's not too late to start; there are still 359 days left; go for it! And if you need running buddies, I know people who run at nearly every time of day, except, Akipk, after midnight in civic. And if you are reading this, Akipk, I'm known as "canberrarunner" in the forum in question, check my comment!

As for me, it is the eighth day of January, so my streak equals nine days, and this week I ran exactly 100k, my running week starts each Monday. Today I ran with Ewen, Andrew, Thach & Jacob at Stromlo Forest Park. Some did a set of 3x1k; Andrew averaged a shade under 3:30, Thach about 4:00, and Jacob about 4:05.

What a great morning for running! While down in Hobart, Liz Bennett was running in the Cadbury Marathon. 2012 results are due shortly at

Get in the Game

Lisa Wilson (35255) on the front cover of the athletics program for the 2011 Australian Masters Games, Adelaide. 

Tomorrow, check this blog for what's on in week two, as far as the speedygeese are concerned, or check our facebook page at