Saturday, 21 January 2012

alive for another day

Happy Birthday Charlie McCormack, 47 today! I hope you celebrate in style.

Today's run at Acton Ferry Terminal wasn't too bad, we had a cloud cover and it even felt cool early on. Susan ran 5k, Ann ran 12k, Miranda about 19k, while Suzie, Andy, Zainab & I completed 22k. Didn't see Ewen or Ruth, did they sleep in? Did see Katherine, Liz, Bronia, many others. At the 16k mark, I even managed a set of six chin-ups, a recent record. And the 22k felt like a short run, which is a very good sign.

What work was like before I retired

PC or Mac

The general problem
Two users report that comments don't work for them in this blog. Anyone else? I suspect they may be using old versions of Internet Explorer, but I don't really know. I suggest they try Chrome on their PCs and tell me if that fixes it, which will be a help in working out what the problem is. So If you too cannot access comments, please let me know. I may end up reverting to pop-up window (hopefully not losing existing threaded comments, except they won't be threaded any more) or reverting to the basic threaded format blogger provided, which was not all that attractive looking but seemed to work for everyone, I think, after just one bug-fix by me.