Saturday, 14 January 2012

14 days 200k

I am not sure how long I can keep this up for, certainly not when I start racing again, but that's 100k for each of the first two weeks of the year. A good start towards averaging 80k per week. Helped by the mild, to say the least, weather.

Canberra is such a good place to train through summer, relative to the rest of Australia. Canberra is good for lots of things:

Synchronised window washers

Double rainbows

Kangaroos (I took this photo at the Australian Institute of Sport)

Friends to run with (Leanne at the War Memorial cafe after a run around Mt Ainslie last week)

There was a good turn-out for Leanne's last run this morning; she returns to Melbourne next week. Running were Shane, Warrick, Ann, Alison, Zainab, Leanne, Miranda, Irwin & me. Leanne's mum Gina was there too, walking, Karen went with her. Did I miss anyone? Yes, we will so miss Leanne in future weeks. Later Ewen, Andy & I completed a longer run.

p.s. threaded comments are now implemented, although I had to fiddle around with the html to get them working. You can choose to comment on a post as previously, or you can comment on an existing comment  by clicking "reply".