Wednesday, 21 December 2011

For the 5k, how much speed do you need?

From a training standpoint, speed is rarely the limiting factor in how fast you can race, even for a distance as “short” as the 5K.” The article is at this link and explains why aerobic training is more important than speed training. And not only that, anaerobic training is more important than speed training. “Anaerobic capacity was found to be the second greatest predictor of 5K performance after aerobic capacity”, article here. So our speedygeese training is on the right track. We are not missing out by omitting sprint sessions from our training regime.

Miranda & I ran at Lake Ginninderra yesterday; I have lost 2 minutes fitness over 7k but at least I now know where I stand. Other races on offer this week are today's BBQ Stakes, and Friday's Customs 5k. Next week; no racing, but speedygeese training will go ahead as usual on Monday: boxing day. Then the following week is the New Year; back into the routine armed with all those running, health and fitness resolutions! Also, Saturday mornings at the Ferry Terminal will continue as usual without a break. Sunday mornings at Stromlo are on hold and resume on 8 January.

Let it snow
Everyone knows by now what happens when you google "let it snow". but have you tried searching for "tilt"? Or "recursion"?


As a Christmas diversion, I do like the "Tesshi" escape games available on the internet.  The latest is at but earlier ones might be easier to start with to get used to how they work. A couple of tips; you may have to wait a while before they fully load, just be patient, you will see "SWF loaded" but it's still loading. After that, change language to English (games #58 and on) before commencing the game. Finally, you can save the game and come back later, it will load straight away. The "FUNCTION" button gets you to these options.