Saturday, 24 December 2011

Christmas Eve run

My Christmas Eve run was at 7:00am actually - no later, a good thing too as it was getting quite warm by 9:00am. I didn't know that a circuit of East Basin and the wetlands starting and finishing at Acton Ferry terminal would be exactly 14k. Yes, and it turns out to be even shorter than the West Basin loop. Running today were Andy, Miranda & I, with Metro Runners Leanne and Leighton. The longest Leighton had ever run in one hit was 6 or 7k with us a few months ago. As he finished today he was heard to say that he wouldn't be running again for a while!

Zeno's Advent Calendar

Zeno advises that the best way to approach a long run which never seems to end is to think about half of what's left at a time.