Tuesday, 29 November 2011


Lucia turns 30 today! Welcome to the "Vets"!

At Parliament House last night I ran early, then guided Abi, Cookie, Andrew, Andy, Bronwyn, Caroline, Cathy, Christopher, Craig, Helen, Lucia, Mick, Neil, Peter, Rae, Ruth, Warrick & Yelena in a cardio session, 30 minutes of running interspersed with exercises, mainly push-ups, dips and a chin-up or two, some stretching, using the western 950m loop with its exercise circuit.

Song of the week. One – by U2 – I think this is a better video than the more common ghostly buffaloes one.

Announcing the December speedygeese dinner 
7:00pm Tuesday 13 December
At Belluci’s, Woden (corner of Launceston & Irving streets)
I have booked for 20.
We will be ordering off the menu; see
RSVP Friday 9 December.

Final five weeks of 2011
With less than 300k to go to, I am fairly confident of reaching my 2011 target of 4000k.

And finally ... my new bright green Kinvaras arrived yesterday via Wiggle and fit perfectly!