Wednesday, 28 September 2011

running around in different circles

  • I'm older
  • I'm fitter
  • I'm handing over tasks from two different committees to other people
  • I've just joined Google+
  • I've just gone back to Google Chrome
Change is Good.
Why Google+? Facebook is great but a few friends are starting to use Google+ now which makes it worth trialling.
Why Google Chrome? Firefox is OK but this newest version of Chrome might be even better so I shall try it for a while.
Also I am attracted to the idea of integrated "everything Google".
Facebook Timeline is coming! The war of the worlds – Google v Facebook – will be most stimulating and enjoyable.
I love change.

Strength #2. Diamond Push-Ups

  • Kneel on all fours with the hands close together so the two index fingers and two thumbs are touching and form a diamond shape
  • Straighten your legs out behind you so that your weight is distributed between your hands and toes
  • Bend the elbows back to lower the chest towards the floor
  • Push back up to the starting position
Variation - Perform with the hands on a medicine ball to add another degree of difficulty.

Club Secretary Graham Burke and club Treasurer Nick Blackaby at O'Connor Ridge, before the run.