Tuesday, 20 September 2011

No-one gets hurt

Song of the week: "Codex", by Radiohead, from "The King Of Limbs". http://youtu.be/nVw9gsNFZlA

Rumour has it that "The King of Limbs 2" is going to be released this year.

Training at Parliament House last night: doing the early run were Craig, Ewen, Jen & I. Back at Parliament House for our interval session were Abi, Andy, Bronwyn, Caroline, Cathy, Colin, David, Helen, Kym, Neil, Rae, Rebecca (new), Ruth & Yelena. We ran sets of the longer zigzag interval in teams of three, chosen by height, thus proving conclusively that taller runners are faster than shorter runners. At least when running diagonally down a grassy slope in the dark then up the grass next to flagpoles, then resting before repeating the effort many times.
It was good to see that two of the three slightly injured speedygeese were back and running well again. And last night, no-one got hurt.

Warrick also came by and said hello, telling us about Sunday's marathon and receiving our congratulations. Here's an email from him about the race.
Well, alot of training had gone into this one, i went in feeling good. Got to the start at Milsons Point just in time to see the halfers starting their run over the bridge.
It was pretty quiet at the start, everybody considering the journey ahead. Had a nice start, not too fast and was feeling good.
Cruising past the botanic gardens and the art gallery at a comfortable pace. I was thirsty at the first drink station.
In Hyde Park, they had built a bridge over park st where i waited for the city 2 surf start. Someone had the unfortunate job of telling people running over it to slow down.
Leaving the city and all was well. Still with the 3:30 bus and at a good conversation pace. Hitting centennial park an 14km in 69 mins. 3 mins slower than c2s but still good.
Somewhere in the next few km the wheels started to fall off. The 3:30 group was 30 m ahead, no problems just put in a solid k and i will be back there. But it didn't work they were ever so slowly leaving me
It was tough getting through and out of the park. I was stopping at each drink station and dousing myself with water.
By about 27 km i had found a new albeit slow rhythm. I found a guy watching and asked him to text Vanessa so she would know i wouldn't be there for a 3:30 finish.
The last 10km was just a steady grind. Spotted Craig at circular quay which was a good lift. I had a comfortable rhythm so i stuck to it, still stopping at the drink stations to cool down
It was a real no-mans land over darling harbour concrete and tar.
Got a real lift rounding the harbour bridge and seeing the opera house. Managed to hold it together and finish strong, spotting Vanessa and the kids with about 200m to go. Crossed the line happy but buggered. 3:54.
I think I was well prepared for everything but the heat and humidity. But training through a Canberra winter makes it hard to cope with 27 degrees and high humidity.
Thanks to everybody for all their help in achieving a solid finish. I will have to work out what the next challenge will be. Cheers, Warrick