Saturday, 17 September 2011


An alarming new way to coach athletes.

From the Micallef Program, Series 1, Episode 1. “It was clearly because of the injuries and her desire to overcome the injuries that she won the gold medal, therefore I think the secret for success of the Australian Team is to injure them as much as possible…. This means a rigorous and violent training schedule for young hopefuls".

In this video, the skit in question starts at around 2:57.  From

(If you want to see something really funny, check out the drunken man sketch)

Meanwhile, about three in our training group have minor injuries. Here's an injury list.

No injuries here: Customs 5k result. Friday 16th
Gary Bowen 21:43
Yili Zhu 22:10
Geoff Moore 22:17
Yelena Pearson 27:28
Caroline Campbell 31:03

I hope it’s not too hot for the marathon in Sydney tomorrow. Sunday's Sydney forecast: 16 to 26. Go Warrick! Don't get injured. You've survived many hill sessions, you should be OK.

Because some people are a bit sore we'll cut down on the hill running at Parliament House.