Speedygeese at Customs 5k Friday 5 August
Andrew Simpson 19:05
Gary Bowen 21:56
Jen Bright 23:20
Geoff Moore 24:14
Miranda Rawlinson 26:19
Geoff Barker 34:50
Conditions – windy, and we had to detour off the track at the Ferry Terminal. My handicap had been changed from 15:00 to 10:45 - wrongly - so when I caught Rad with a bit over 1km to go, I hadn't been running all that fast but I slowed more and jogged with him to the finish. Hopefully my start time will be adjusted back to its normal 13 -15 minutes next time.
We had three days of warm weather but it was good to see the rain return yesterday. I just made it to Acton Ferry Terminal yesterday morning, wondering why my 1996 Commodore's Power Steering had failed in the last 2k of the drive, only to discover when I opened the bonnet that there was no longer a fan belt attached. And the radiator water was starting to boil. Lucky it happened there and not somewhere remote or late. I sent the Metro runners off up Black Mountain and waited for the NRMA (any excuse to avoid hills!) who arrived promptly and installed a new fan belt as well as replacing a pulley which was the cause of the trouble. All fixed and I still got in a 10k run before the rain. And no hills.
Wish it were as easy to replace a few parts of my body which seem to have worn out.
The top of Black Mountain
Metro runners Ann, Leanne, and Alison made it all the way up there Saturday morning. So did Shane the photographer. They didn't look the least bit worn out. They may even be able to walk again by now.
Hurray for the rain. Here is a photo of the 1955 Canberra floods. The city is simply not recognisable back then, is it?
p.s. there is a HUGE difference between power steering and no power steering. Ask me and I shall demonstrate!