Wednesday, 24 August 2011

bucket list ultra

As regular readers will know I have a bucket list, created in February, at Only 40 items long, I will have to extend it in twenty years time, or so, won't I? Numbers 22 & 29 have been crossed off, number 18 is to be crossed off in October this year. So far so good. Number 8 on the list is to run an ultramarathon, and it might be an idea to get that one out of the way sooner rather than later. Therefore I have decided, once my crazy attempts to get fitter and faster in 2011 have succeeded or failed, to run an ultra in 2012. 15 March 2012 is the 50th anniversary of me becoming a runner: the best ultra after that would be the Canberra marathon/50k on 15 April.

So I announce that I have tentatively decided to celebrate 50 years of running by completing the Canberra 50k in April 2012.

I don't look like much of a runner, do I? Well that will change if all goes to plan, and I will coast around this ultra course on 15 April, no sweat.

An ultra? You goose!