A lovely sunny day in Canberra. Just perfect for a long run. It was tag team time at Acton this morning, my first run was with Zainab, then with Ann (Metro runner), finally with Craig. I met each one at Acton Ferry Terminal but none of the tag team saw the others. I don't think I shall run the 3000m track I was planning for tomorrow: am a bit flat, did OK in the Customs 5k yesterday, have other things I can do, and I think strong winds are forecast again. Will therefore run at Stromlo at 8am and venture west again, exploring the trails between Cotter Road and Uriarra road. Much more enjoyable, and the westerly gales if any can carry me home.
Speedygeese in yesterday's Customs 5k race:
Andrew Simpson 18:48
Geoff Moore 20:44
Caroline Campbell 30:20
I am slowly getting faster. So is Andrew.
Happy Birthday Peter McDonald, 58 today.
Jill Pearson and Peter McDonald with medals at Mt Ainslie.
“The safe is empty except for an unsolved 5x5 Rubik’s Cube”
While you are thinking about that, and maybe the brainer readers will, here's another quote to go on with. “People without brains do an awful lot of talking”. Wizard of Oz, Scarecrow.