Friday, 15 July 2011

red spot special

Dickson Training last night: I ran early then got sucked into participating in my intense track interval session, so won't be racing at Customs today! The coach should be allowed to opt out! Three days in a row flat out is a no-no, and therefore an easy jog of 10k or so will do today before tomorrow morning's long run. Also running early were Craig & Bronwyn, who didn't stay for the session, and Nadine, who ran half the early run and half the track session. Arriving at 5:30pm for the interval session were Cinea (new), Colin, Garry, Heather (new), James (new), Joel, Kate (new), Neil, Roger, Ruth & Susan. We ran 12 x 300m+ in teams of two, a 100m+ jog in between. 300m+ because we were in lane four.

Last night's Clarke&Dawe: Portugal is for sale! From


Sacramento: Kathy Sims is running the W60 1500m, Geoff Sims the M60 400m and qualified easily after the first round. If you look up the website at, beware: before the final is run, a list of times may appear next to the athletes names as if that's what they ran in the final, without explanation, but possibly these are qualifying times.

speedygeese at the women's 6k Jogalong 3 July
Naomi Barker 35:55
Fiona Hedgecoe 35:56
Cinea Ryan 34:13
Caroline Campbell 39:27
Helen Larmour 34:32
Nadine Morrison 36:56
Thea Zimpel 43:30
105 finishers
I should point out that these times are incorrect, due to errors by the race officials! The women ran way faster than the times they were given.

2011 Bush Capital Bush Marathon Festival, Campbell High School, Saturday 30 July

Entries for the Bush Capital Bush Marathon Festival on Saturday 30 July close at midnight this Friday 15 July. After then you can still enter but late entry fees apply. Although entries will be accepted on the day, this creates a considerable amount of post race work. So please enter by Monday 25 July if possible so your chest number can be mailed to you.

Enter online at

Many more helpers are needed. If you can help please, click on the Volunteer button on the event website and fill in your details. Alternatively contact John Harding directly at or ph 6248 6905 or 0427 107 033

The course for the marathon has changed - it no longer crosses Horse Park Drive, but  does the 25k plus a 7.2k out and back in Majura Pines and a 10k out & back on walking trail from Federal Highway underpass to Nullabor Rd, Harrison & return. No changes to 2k, 5k, 10k, 16k & 25k courses. This map shows the km points for the marathon. Click to enlarge.