Last week's Customs 5k Friday 15 July: Caroline Campbell 30:54. This week (tomorrow) Yelena Pearson, Jen Bright, Gary Bowen & I all plan to run Customs, I might just show the new starters around the course instead of racing it.
Yesterday's BBQ Stakes 6k Wednesday 20 July: Gary Bowen 28:56, Kerrie Tanner 29:46, Geoff Moore 30:04, Andy Matthews 30:35, Roger Pilkington 30:40, Jen Bright 32:11, Caroline Campbell ran too. This week I was 3½ minutes slower than last week, due to illness, but now having "recovered" (?) should get most of that back next week. Good to see Kerrie slowly returning to form. Jen had her first Customs run, and was taking it steady.
Gary Bowen racing at Stromlo
Song of the week: "Bloodbuzz Ohio", by The National, from "High Violet". At