Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Boys Week is over

Happy Birthday Janene 47 today!

Yes “Boys Week is over”. The girls returned to Parliament House last night. One of the girls was Rae Palmer, returning after a long time away, it was great to see her again, with brother David Webster what's more.
Craig & I ran early then just jogged covering 16.5k altogether. The main group consisting of Abi, Andy, Cathy M, Christopher, David W, Helen, Neil, Rae & Warrick who ran in teams of three, 30 minutes of lower flagpole sprints (each time running the diagonal then up along the flags), our first speed-endurance interval session in the June series. It was cold but as there was no breeze to speak of we soon warmed up. More (different) speed-endurance sessions coming up, at both Parliament House and at Dickson.

Australia Story
I don’t often watch the ABC production "Australia Story" but last night’s was terrific. Australia Story is repeated on Saturdays at 12:30pm.

Cross Country Championships:
The ACTVAC races are 8k for all women and for men 60+, and 12k for men 30-59.
On Line Entries for ACTVAC (only) can be made at http://tiny.cc/qzk7d
Closing Date for entries is Thursday June 16th, late entries will NOT be accepted, and events take place on June 18th.
I am going out to the venue at noon today for a practice run over the 8k course.
