Happy Birthday Janene 47 today!
Yes “Boys Week is over”. The girls returned to Parliament House last night. One of the girls was Rae Palmer, returning after a long time away, it was great to see her again, with brother David Webster what's more.
Craig & I ran early then just jogged covering 16.5k altogether. The main group consisting of Abi, Andy, Cathy M, Christopher, David W, Helen, Neil, Rae & Warrick who ran in teams of three, 30 minutes of lower flagpole sprints (each time running the diagonal then up along the flags), our first speed-endurance interval session in the June series. It was cold but as there was no breeze to speak of we soon warmed up. More (different) speed-endurance sessions coming up, at both Parliament House and at Dickson.
Australia Story
I don’t often watch the ABC production "Australia Story" but last night’s was terrific. Australia Story is repeated on Saturdays at 12:30pm.
Cross Country Championships:
The ACTVAC races are 8k for all women and for men 60+, and 12k for men 30-59.
On Line Entries for ACTVAC (only) can be made at http://tiny.cc/qzk7d
Closing Date for entries is Thursday June 16th, late entries will NOT be accepted, and events take place on June 18th.
I am going out to the venue at noon today for a practice run over the 8k course.