The ACTVAC AGM is tonight! This one is particularly important for the future of the club with many positions coming vacant, including President and Secretary. Please consider whether you would like to stand or nominate somebody else for a position. Here are the details:
7.30pm Tuesday 24 May
Belconnen Soccer Club
Cnr Belconnen Way and Springvale Drive
Hawker ACT
Many other events of interest are coming up:
"High Noon" (12 noon at the athletics track) meets start Sunday 29 May; the second one is Sunday 19 June.The program for these two meets is now available. The first date includes a 1500m and a 3000m, the second date an 800m and a 3000m.
The ACT Cross Country championships, which include ACTVAC races, are only four weeks away. These must be entered in advance. See the ACTVAC website and enter today.
Speedygeese training: as well as Mondays at Parliament House and Thursdays at Dickson, everyone is invited to our regular training sessions at Acton Ferry Terminal Saturday mornings, and at Stromlo Forest Park Sunday mornings when no major races are on. At Stromlo starting 5 June we will be meeting at 8:00am each week and running on grass as an easier recovery day, although if you want to run intervals there you could do that as well. The Saturday Acton runs also start at 8:00am and we run mostly on cycle path for any distance you like ranging from a few kilometres for beginners to 20 or 30kms for me! All are welcome to any of the venues.
At Parliament House last night we ran twenty intervals over about 85m on an easier hill (the fourth one along the western side). Running early were Craig, Ewen & myself, then we were joined by Abi, Colin, Dale, Garry, Helen, Neil, Ruth & Warrick for the warm-up and hill sprints. The rain stayed away and it was a good session.
Janene needs this to complete her upgrade from a snail to a tortoise.
Happy Birthday Ruth, 61 today!