Tuesday, 5 April 2011

It's a capital territory this autumn

Happy Birthday Andy 52 today.

Taking leafs out of everyone else's books, Andy went to extreme lengths to avoid bringing champagne to Monday training - he has flown to the mother country, the opposite side of the world. Any excuse!

It goes with the Territory

Sixteen brand spanking new Ford Territories were lined up in the Parliament House underground car park last night ready for a launch today. All with number plates YFF2 something. I want the red one.

Candid Canberra #67: Territories on show

Christopher's choice

Candid Canberra #68: Autumn Leaf

Meanwhile in Morocco
After day 2 of the Marathon des Sables: Tim is in 191st place (up from 195th), 3rd Australian (up from 4th), Tim’s run time totals 10:35.23

Back in Canberra, last night at Parliament House we ran intervals alternating hard then easy over 850m for 30 minutes. Participating were Brett, Caroline, Cathy M, Christopher, Colin, Colleen, Craig, Graeme, me, Jochen, Joel, Mick C, Nadine, Neil & Warrick. It wasn't too cold but I shall be digging out my gloves and beanies very soon.

Customs 5k result Friday 1 April
Yili 21:48
Bob 22.29
Caroline 27:52
Carolyne 34.03

What else?
There's plenty more to report, I shall save it up for another day. Except to note for your diaries that our end-of-track-season speedygeese dinner will be held on Tuesday 10th May. I'm thinking Vietnamese, more information soon.