Sunday, 10 April 2011

A-Goal achieved .. tick. B-goal achieved .. tick.

I completed today's Half Marathon in a time of 94:12, (gun time by my watch), due to getting left knee pain at 20k and hobbling the last km. Until then, it looked like a sub-93 was possible. Anyway, the primary goal was to beat Andy's time from last year - achieved, by 50 seconds. The secondary goal was to beat this year's Weston Creek Half time of mine, achieved, by 20 seconds. And another positive, next time, 22 May, I should be able to run faster if the training keeps happening, sub 94:12 does not look too difficult, especially if the knee was a one-off and I can train on. I had no trouble doing a 7km cool-down after the race, so my guess is the knee will be OK.

I must say I got soaked during the run. There was rain, rain, and more rain. But I don't think it slowed me down at all.

Full results of the half marathon, marathon, and ultra, will be in tomorrow's (Monday's) Canberra Times. I wonder how I went in the M60-69 age category?

Footnote. I won! Time suddenly irrelevant!