Wednesday, 30 March 2011

We'll run like we're awesome

Song of the week: "The Geese of Beverly Road", by The National

"Hey, love, we'll get away with it
"We'll run like we're awesome, totally genius"


Karmin won't mind if I quote her:
"I summoned up the courage to start listening to The National again yesterday and fell right back in love with all the same songs, as if nothing had ever changed. The Geese of Beverly Road still gets me most of all. It's about being young and reckless and feeling powerful when in reality the control is only for the moment, for a moment. I really am not the kind of person who has personally experienced any kind of major risk-taking but it still makes my heart ache. Not because I personally want to experience the thrill of the forbidden but rather because of the ideal of the teenage soul which really embraces what the song is about. A spirit of the times, the spirit of youth, rather than its literal essence, if you know what I mean."

Which in turn really captures the spirit of the speedygeese: soaring together above the mundane, overcoming the drag of the years and of the familiar, risking much to gain more.

Women's and Girls' Fun Run this Sunday. Girls, be in it! I shall be there, with camera. Daylight Saving finishes Sunday morning so, guys, run early then come over and watch the women run.

warming up