Summer Series #7: Lake Ginninderra 7.1k result
11. Bob Harlow M60 30:53
17. Damian Rutledge M40 32:04
32. Roger Pilkington M50 35:46
45 finishers
Weston Creek Half Marathon relay result.
A relay team called "Run Fatboy Run" completed the half marathon course in 1:31.52. It was made up of Ken, Heidi, Katie I assume. Well run, speedygeese! Easily the fastest relay team.
Troy of the speedygeese
Running at Campbell Park last year.
Unscheduled day off
I was to run 20k today but am too busy. One day off will not hurt. Anyway I shall make up the distance on the weekend. Cooler days are on the way, I hear! See you out there soon.