"Fitness groups damaging Parliamentary Triangle assets"
In what has to be a typical Canberra Times beat-up, it is reported today that "thousands of dollars of damage" is being done to areas of the Parliamentary Triangle by "boot-camp operators". And that this "misuse shows a lack of respect", according to a certain aboriginal activist, who is quoted as saying that "the area has been laid out there for Canberrans and visitors to enjoy and we see it as a sight [sic] to push indigenous issues, so they should show more respect for it".
As far as "sights" go, how un-sightly is the aboriginal rubbish-dump embassy, Mr Spokesman? If I were you, I'd remove the beam in my own eye before I worried about the speck in someone else's.
Speedygeese training continues at the Parliament House site tomorrow as usual. I will sight you there.
Where exactly is the Parliamentary Triangle?
Yes that's right. It's where we train. And have so for many years.
Not a very insightful article. More likely to be an attempt to incite a response. We shall (from now) ignore it. And watch with interest who, if anyone, writes in about it.