Thursday, 24 March 2011

basic training/ playing it by ear

Our Kelley. Basically, Kelley trains harder, longer, and earlier than any of us!

Candid Canberra #62: removing the bridge

If you haven't been to Belconnen Town Centre for a while, you might get a surprise when you visit next. Everything has changed, even the red footbridge is now gone. And you could easily get lost walking around the expanded mall. Luckily, you are fit so it wouldn't be a problem, it would be good training.

My son Nathan, 7 months old

Photo by Pat Fisher, taken 22 January 1972.

Jenny is holding Nathan, Marg Fisher, out of picture, is holding their daughter Katie. Katie was 14 weeks and Nathan 7 months. Katie is now a grandmother, which makes Pat a great grandfather! Their great grandson (now 19 months) is a bit of a novelty as all their six grandchildren are girls! According to proud great grandfather Pat, he is gorgeous and gets lots of attention from all his cousins, and looks very like Katie when she was a baby.

Nathan will be forty this June and has recently applied for a new job, one in the army band. His audition was held yesterday and he reports "Audition went really well I thought. Very positive. My 3 performance pieces went well and the sight reading/thrown in the deep end was ok. It ended up going for most of the day as it included 3, 1 hour written theory, harmony and aural exams also. I won't hear anything for at least 6 to 8 weeks so we are still playing it by ear for now. Tyler [one of Nathan's sons] did ask if I 'won'. I told him I did, so, yeah. I won!"

We are hoping Nathan gets the job, amongst other things it means that once he has completed basic training, the family will move from Brisbane and may end up living much closer, even here in Canberra is a possibility. Incidentally basic training should be manageable, as Nathan has kept himself pretty fit over the years.