Song of the week: Skillet: "Would It Matter", from the brilliant album "Awake".
If I wasn't here tomorrow
Would anybody care
If my time was up I’d wanna know
You were happy I was there
If I wasn't here tomorrow
Would anyone lose sleep
If I wasn't hard and hollow
Then maybe you would miss me
Training at Parliament House last night: We started a familiarisation jog around the planned circuit only to find part of it with barriers across it. So, backtrack and plan B, a different circuit, only to find the path dead-ended where it used to continue. So, plan C, duck down a grassy slope and squeeze past more barriers. We ran in relay teams of three around this small rose garden loop, each runner jogging a lap while each of the other two "raced". Teams were: Abi, Kym & Zainab; Andy, Neil & Craig; Colin, Joel & Tim; Ewen, Ruth & Mick C; Susan, Suzie & Yelena. I ran circuits shouting encouragement; Christopher was also there, late. The grassy slope sprinklers came on during the last few minutes of this 24 minute continuous relay.
Customs Joggers 6k result, 4 February
Tim Calver 24:42
Bronwyn Calver 24:59
Caroline Campbell 30:29
Geoff Barker 41:40
Tonight's Summer Series, "Boathouse East", will in fact be 'Boathouse West". Same venue, but running in the opposite direction. This is because repairs still haven't been made to the cycle path since December's biggest storm here in Canberra.
Candid Canberra #53. The broken cycle path
Speedygeese and Metro Runners negotiating the path last Saturday morning during our 10k run. We will not see 100+ runners racing here today: the Summer Series race will now head west instead of east from the Boathouse.