Training at Parliament House: a fine evening, some easterly breeze, slightly warm for the early run but most pleasant for the interval session. Caroline, Craig & I ran early, with Ruth, Katherine & Ewen close behind. Then we were joined by Abi, Andy, Christopher, Colin, Emma P, Joel, Kym, Mick C, Susan, Suzie, Tim, Yelena & Zac. The 30 minute continuous interval session was in teams of three at the lower flagpole rectangle, where each runner (a) raced down a diagonal (b) jogged a short edge and waited for their relay team member to arrive (c) raced up a long edge (d) jogged a short edge and waited, repeating this until the half hour was up. Which meant each runner had a good recovery while their two team-mates were running. This is the first time we have run such a relay around the lower flagpoles, a slightly longer interval than we had done before when running these "zigzag relays". Next week (or the week after) we may try for even teams and run longer intervals.
Song of the week. "RUN": by Leona Lewis: thanks to Jen for alerting me to this version of my favourite Snow Patrol song.
YCRC Women's 6k Jogalong result, Sunday 5 February
Helen Larmour W50 27:57
Sarah Pau W35 30:55
Kathy Sims W55 31:03
Katherine Sheppard W40 32:19
Thea Zimpel 34:13
Alison Sims 34:18
Caroline Campbell W65 35:39
Cathy Montalto W55 35:57
117 finishers
Candid Canberra #55 - Tawny Frogmouth
Photographed in Hackett in November by John Harding. Miranda and Andy Rawlinson had Tawny Frogmouths in their trees a while back. I wonder if there are still some around? They look amazing, and camouflage so well.