Wednesday, 2 February 2011

exercise during pregnancy

You understand I have no experience in this area so I have to rely on a good source: Tamra is a friend now living in the US who devises the gym programs I follow and whom I regard and respect highly.

Benefits of exercise during pregnancy on your unborn child

Most people are aware of the benefits of exercise during pregnancy for Mums.
  • decreased pain and improved posture
  • decreased stress and a better self-esteem
  • decreased nausea and varicose veins etc
  • better sleep patterns 
I personally can say this was all true for my pregnancy and exercise was my saving grace so many times.

But what about the effects of exercise during pregnancy for the unborn child? Here are the main benefits:
  • Decreased body fat deposit in the last trimester (lower birth weight)
  • Better ability to cope with stress during labor and usually they are less stressed throughout labour.
  • Newborn babies tend to be more alert and adjust more quickly to the outside world.
  • lower body fat deposits have been sited up to the age of five.
All aspects of growth and development are the same in exercising mothers as those who don't and may even be better. This not only means your bub may be born healthier but there is evidence to suggest that your child maybe healthier in general throughout the crucial early years of development so if this doesn't motivate you to get moving I don't know what will.

ref:  "Exercising Through Your Pregnancy" James F Clapp M.D.
Note: He was part of the movement of MDs in the 1970s who proved the safety and benefit of exercise. We owe a great debt to medical professionals who put themselves on the line in the name of controversial issues.