Wednesday, 22 December 2010

popular culture

Eustace Scrubb

Will Poulter has been nominated for the Young British Performer Of the Year at the London Critics' Circle Film Awards. What am I talking about? The magnificent "Voyage of the Dawn Treader".

Song of the Week: Mess of Me.

Switchfoot's album Hello Hurricane is one of my five "best albums of 2010".

Candid Canberra #34 - Crazy about moons rising

Dunlop last night. Apparently a lunar eclipse happens twice every three years. Something like that.

My running plans for 2011 part #1.
Only four races inked in so far. Otherwise it's pretty sparse. 
1. January 22 Capital Summer Half Marathon - treat as a tempo run.
2. April 10 Canberra Running Festival Half Marathon - reverse my 2010 defeat by Andy!
3. July 3 Gold Coast Half Marathon - see what I can do up in Queensland while on holidays with my mates. I haven't run at the Gold Coast for about 20 years. I am looking forward to it. It's the most popular marathon/half marathon event in Australia.
4. October 16 Australian Masters Games Half Marathon in Adelaide - go for broke!