Clarke&Dawe. Now that we know who is running the country, it all makes sense..
"Perhaps yesterday was not the day to go shopping at Spotlight..."
...quoting my daughter. One of many flood photos doing the rounds.
Neil and Craig at Weston Park.
These Weston Park photos were taken on the first day of this rainy "spell". Tropical rain when we are not in the tropics. The rainy "season" has brought, for example, three times the December average to Adelaide in just one day. Even when the rain stops, flooding will continue for weeks. I managed a token 9k yesterday; I ran out of path and I'd sooner run on the grass or dirt tracks, but they are too wet.
It is still raining.
Candid Canberra #29: storm clouds
The lake
Lake Burley Griffin, Canberra. Not only polluted, but dangerous.