Monday, 1 November 2010

Running In Deep Space

I won't be running in Deep Space this Sunday. The AMRA has its attractive looking Deep Space Marathon on that day. See the AMRA website at But it's the speedygeese interval session at Stromlo Forest Park at 8:00am the same day, which is where I'll be, enjoying gentler undulations.

Also it's the start of the popular Spring Series, this Tuesday. Support the ACTCCC! I can't make it this week but I plan to next week.

What's on this week:
Monday 1 November
: Parliament House 4:30pm 8k jog; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training.
Tuesday 2 November: ACTCCC Spring Series #1: Boathouse East 5k, 6:15pm
Wednesday 3 November: BBQ Stakes 6k handicap, 12:15pm.
Thursday 4 November: Vets @ AIS Athletics track
6:00pm 3000m (not a GM 3000)
6:20pm 3000m/5000m walk (<30 mins) 6:50pm 60m 7:00pm 800m 7:30pm 200m (D) 7:45pm one hour run
Friday 5 November: Customs 5k handicap, 12:15pm.
Saturday 6 November: Metro Runners, 8:00am at Acton Ferry Terminal.
Sunday 7 November: ACTCCC Women's Jogalong, Weston Park, 9:00am
Sunday 7 November: Stromlo Forest Park 8:00am speedygeese interval training.
Sunday 7 November: AMRA Deep Space Marathon.

Footy season is only four months and-a-bit away. I tip the Blues to kick the first goal and to win the first game of the season. Will they kick on from there? They will face a fresh Gold coast the following week in Brisbane. Good luck!
A bye each week is going to take some getting used to.

I posted the AFL fixtures on my Facebook page last Friday. I like the Crows' draw; finalists for sure.