Saturday, 13 November 2010

recent speedygeese results

AACT 16 October
3000m Brett Lynch 12:14.22

AACT 29 October
3000m Yelena Pearson 15:35.25
400m Joel Pearson 57.75

AACT 6 November not yet available
ACTCCC Spring Series #2 9 November not yet available

ACTVAC 11 November part two
W55 Noeline Burden 16.28 80.8%

M50 Gary Bowen 45.62 77.4%
W40 Emma Adams 48.75 74.0
W40 Amanda Walker 52.85 69.0
W55 Noeline Burden 57.91 73.8
W55 Kathy Sims 59.51 73.2

Pennington 1500m - handicapped on age group
5 Gary Bowen M50 5:00
6 Ken White M55 5:10
7 Damian Rutledge M40 4:52
9 Kathy Sims W55 6:08
10 Emma Adams W40 5:21
13 Mick Horan M50 5:31
15 Katie Forestier W40 5:31
18 Amanda Walker W40 5:52
20 Andrew Matthews M50 6:01
21 Roger Pilkington M50 6:07
24 Tony Booth M70 7:42
27 Alan Williams M60 7:36
30 Geoff Barker M65 8:27
The "official" times above for this event are never accurate. Most will have run up to a second faster as there are usually varying delays in calling "go".

W35 Michelle Wells 11:33.68 75.1%
M40 Brett Morrison 12:04.01 65.3
W40 Nadine Morrison 12:07.69 72.8
W50 Helen Larmour 12:09.52 81.6
M50 Roger Pilkington 12:18.53 68.7
M50 Andrew Matthews 13:03.51 64.7
W40 Bronwyn Calver 13:16.12 66.5
M50 Mick Horan 13:16.46 63.7
W55 Maria O'Reilly 13:27.51 77.8
M60 Geoff Moore 13:30.81 68.7
W60 Ruth Baussmann 15:23.89 72.9

Customs 5k 12 November
Geoff Moore 24:17
Caroline Campbell 29:31
That's a bit quicker than my 29 minutes + of the previous week.

Metro Runners Training 13 November
Amanda J, Byron, Jeanette, Joseph, Leanne, Zainab & I ran at 8:00am today; from Acton Ferry Terminal to Molonglo Reach and return; exactly 12k, although we did add a bit to that by jogging up under the Carillon on the return trip. The group is getting fitter!

Candid Canberra #16 - Blackhawks over Parliament House, yesterday from midday

Happy Birthday to grandson Will Falconer, one year old today!
Happy Wedding Anniversary to Brett & Nadine, one year today!