Thursday, 11 November 2010

A Bit Of Goose

Happy Birthday Jill 53 today
Happy Birthday Colleen 33 today

With a few new people joining recently, we have just reached a milestone: 100 official speedygeese. The 100th is Attlee who has also become the 79th person to join our speedygeese facebook page. With that many members, there is a birthday every 3½ days on average: and a new age group to celebrate every 18 days.

From Steve: a great result from Kerrie Bremner at the World 100 kms over the weekend to run 8 hrs 24 mins to finish 19th in the world. She ran at 5' 02" pace, unbelievable to know there were some very fast girls in front of her over 100 kms.

Candid Canberra #15 Eagle attack over Lake George (from K-blog)

Driving out of Bega last week, an eagle just like that one flew low over my car, casting a giant shadow across the windscreen. But I didn’t have time to grab my camera and photograph it. It was gone.

AACT Summer Series Meet now changed to from Friday to Saturday Nov 13:
"Due to the lack of officials available for the Athletics ACT Summer Series Meet this week, it has now changed to Saturday November 13 at 6.30pm. See Program 2 on the Athletics ACT website for events and times."

“A bit of goose”

Classic Roy & HG. From 10 years ago! (I went to school and Uni with “HG”! Except he did Drama and I did Maths)