Thursday, 18 November 2010

bad science

Tuesday 16 November results:
ACTCCC Spring Series race 3, Barrenjoey Drive 5k
19. Brett Morrison M40 21:29
20. Kym Chisholm W 21:29
28. Nadine Morrison W40 22:01
30. Bob Harlow M60 22:32
34. Yili Zhu M45 23:01
36. Mick Horan M50 23:18
41. Janene Kingston W45 23:56
51. Ewen Thompson M50 25:16
60. Jennifer Bright W35 25:51
65. Cathy Montalto W55 27:09
70. Caroline Campbell W65 28:15
73. Geoff Barker M65 28:30
74. Ruth Baussmann W60 28:32
79 finishers

A book I’d like for Christmas: “Bad Science”, by Ben Goldacre. From the Amazon preview:
"Have you ever wondered how one day the media can assert that alcohol is bad for us and the next unashamedly run a story touting the benefits of daily alcohol consumption? Or how a drug that is pulled off the market for causing heart attacks ever got approved in the first place? How can average readers, who aren’t medical doctors or Ph.D.s in biochemistry, tell what they should be paying attention to and what’s, well, just more bullshit?.......". More here.... Buy it for me and, don’t worry, if I get several copies I can use the extra ones as gifts.

Candid Canberra #19

Sunset from Mt Ainslie, Tuesday 16 November.